"Mr. Unconformity and the Barefoot Bandit" -short film, Comedy. Scripted, co-directed and edited by Bobbbilynne Shackelford; other co-directer: the talented and handsome Tom Tartamella. Known as "the chase scene project", our story takes off as the crown for the Mr Southwest Missouri State Male Beauty Pageant is stolen by a thief (Tim Powell) and then re-captured by "Mr Unconformity" (portrayed by Ryan Anderson). Bobbi Shackelford, Tom Tartamella, and John Scott also star.
"The Beauty of Light" -Commercial. Industry informational video edited for Production and design class.
"16 Camels" -short film- Public Service Video directed, filmed, and edited by Bobbilynne Shackelford and John Ferreira. Shows the hazards of smoking through irony, laughter, and lots o'nicotine. I'll see if I can't get a few production shots on here. First filming project for MED 365 (same class mentioned above).
Production on "Izzy" is set to begin within the next few months.
"I Wish I Were Amy" -romantic comedy- Possibly the closest I have ever gotten to the reality of my life through writing. I am coupling my writing talents with my close friend and fellow film guru, Dan Chilton. Chilton is an English major at SMSU whose tongue-in-cheek style oozes wit and sarcasm, while remaining honest and adorable, much like Dan himself. The story centers around two roomates: Andie, an indecisive femme fatale (based upon the life, Bobbilynne) and Eli, a passionate Cancer (based on see the pattern?), and their turbulant and tumultuous love lives. And this is NOT another "best friends who fall in love" cop-out. It tells the tale of two friends who depend on each other for comfort, compassion, and comic relief. We hope that by offering TWO gender-varied plot lines with two opposite sexed writers, our stories will peak the interests of both male and female viewers.
"No Name As Yet" -documentary?- Lon plans to team up with the creative mind of Josh G. Boyer to create a film about skaters. That's right, rollerblading. Oh, stop yawning. Boyer is an artistic genius, and he will no doubt be featured in the film, with talent to boot. Though VERY much still saddled in the idea stage, Josh has energy and ambition; watch for this to take off soon.
"Something Old, Something New" -short film, drama. Directed by Brandei Harris and Tammy Stovall. Takes place during a wedding as a couple (Bobbilynne Shackelford, Scott Cranor) contemplate their vows...with a surprizing, yet heart-wrenching twist.
"Guy's Night (or Friends with Benefits)" -comedy- Short film. This film is going to be an experimental piece. It will be filmed twice, once with the original script, and once with the edited and extended script, then the two may be overlapped in future edits. What is the real difference between friendship and romance? Watch as our two characters try to figure that out for themselves. The original script is finished and will be filmed this winter in KC, while the final reparations are made on the extended script, which is to be entered in the SMSU Film Society Awards Banquet this coming spring. Wish us luck!
"A Bedtime Story for Izzy" -romantic comedy. Feature length. We follow four characters: Daria, Dade, Aaron and Trent, as they film their first movie together, and we watch as Daria (lead) deals with her crumbling family life, her struggling relationship with Dade, and the other pressures of college life. Conflict picks up as the bank takes back their loan, and the group must come up with $5000 and finish their movie within 3 days.
copyright 2000
"R.A.V." -suspense- Revenge is sweet for this pentad; especially when you get creative--"Anybody can use a gun". Ishmael (lead) is inducted into a group of seemingly normal college students--they go to class, they have jobs, they party on the weekends. Only one main difference--these pupils have some serious rage problems, and live off the rush the acheive from getting revenge. "I always heard there were punishments worse than death, but I didn't believe it until I saw what they were capable of. I laughed about it, as much as they laughed about it, but secretly, I was scared shitless." -Ishmael