In the Beginning...

Lon! Productions was born at approximately 10pm, March 4, 2000, but it's beginnings go back further than that. The idea was conceived orginally for a local independent film studio by my friends Justin Ludwig and John Leach of Versailles, MO. They wanted to create low-budget digital films and sell them to Hollywood for big bucks...excellent idea, and I (Bobbilynne Shackelford) was asked to be their casting director. The studio created was named Exit 62. You can visit their site here: Exit 62 Site.

However, Leach moved, and so did I. Leach moved north, I moved south, to Springfield.

I finished my first feature length script last March, and then, it was pretty much shelved, until recently. I decided to start re-editing it, and actually do something with it. However, Exit 62 was almost non-existent by this time, and I didn't feel right "taking over" the studio, so I created my own. And thus, Lon! Productions was forged.

Lon! is the nickname of my former boss, who is now one of the driving forces of L!.P. He wishes to remain anonymous at this time, but perhaps we can convince him to divulge his identity in the future.

The nickname seemed apt to me, because it was sort of a unifying word. At work, pretty much everyone used it, not just when they were talking to him but pretty much anytime they couldn't think of anything better to say. All of those people will most likely be working on this script, so I felt it would be perfect for us all to work under the name "Lon!" again.

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