mmm, wait. Photo Gallery. Sorry for the mix-up.

I've taken the liberty of finding all the most...interesting, yeah, that's the word--photos of us and compiled them all here, for your enjoyment. So, go enjoy! Now! I mean it. GO!!!

Our First Office!!! (We have since upgraded.)

The following images were taken at the SMSU Theater and Dance Department Awards banquet. Thus explaining the fancy clothes.

Left to right: Me with Adam Arterbridge, me with Dan Chilton, me with ZQ, Jamie Ulrich with his fiancee, and ZQ & Jamie playing together for the banquet.

Left to right: Dan thinking up his next great story for our script; Adam A. wrestling with his sweetie, Bethany; and Jerome playing with his cat Picachu.

Left to Right: Jon, entertaining himself as usual; Jon and I (slightly enibriated) back in '98; a former co-worker beating up on Shawn (Shawn doesn't really work for us, but he's like a brother to me, and a master of Special Effects, so hopefully we can get him to help us out.); and last but not least...ZQ, being...um, ZQ...during Tent Theater '99.