I've taken the liberty of finding all the most...interesting, yeah, that's the word--photos of us and compiled them all here, for your enjoyment. So, go enjoy! Now! I mean it. GO!!!
The following images were taken at the SMSU Theater and Dance Department Awards banquet. Thus explaining the fancy clothes.
Left to right: Me with Adam Arterbridge, me with Dan Chilton, me with ZQ, Jamie Ulrich with his fiancee, and ZQ & Jamie playing together for the banquet.
Left to right: Dan thinking up his next great story for our script; Adam A. wrestling with his sweetie, Bethany; and Jerome playing with his cat Picachu.
Left to Right: Jon, entertaining himself as usual; Jon and I (slightly enibriated) back in '98; a former co-worker beating up on Shawn (Shawn doesn't really work for us, but he's like a brother to me, and a master of Special Effects, so hopefully we can get him to help us out.); and last but not least...ZQ, being...um, ZQ...during Tent Theater '99.